1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,989 "Song about Childhood" (Igor Rasteryayev) 2 00:00:02,090 --> 00:00:03,390 [Minsk] 3 00:00:04,791 --> 00:00:06,691 [Voskhod] 4 00:00:12,192 --> 00:00:13,292 [Planeta 5] 5 00:00:13,489 --> 00:00:16,409 Our hands have not gotten used to 6 00:00:16,609 --> 00:00:19,590 adding Likes to Internet sites. 7 00:00:20,090 --> 00:00:23,682 We, on Soviet motorcycles, 8 00:00:23,782 --> 00:00:26,560 in our rather grimy sweatshirts, 9 00:00:26,660 --> 00:00:29,949 speed along a road at nighttime, 10 00:00:30,049 --> 00:00:33,339 amid fields of rye and buckwheat, 11 00:00:33,439 --> 00:00:36,580 to the place where flickers, lonesome, 12 00:00:38,030 --> 00:00:41,649 our bonfire by the clean river. 13 00:00:44,600 --> 00:00:48,440 Our bonfire by the clean river. 14 00:00:53,119 --> 00:00:56,099 We will add wood to the bonfire, 15 00:00:56,349 --> 00:00:59,480 in its coals bake some potatoes, 16 00:00:59,680 --> 00:01:03,130 and a chub'll splash in the river, 17 00:01:03,430 --> 00:01:06,119 and out will come an accordion. 18 00:01:06,369 --> 00:01:09,530 From the heart it will start playing, 19 00:01:09,680 --> 00:01:13,060 till the dawn, with zeal unbounded, 20 00:01:13,160 --> 00:01:16,440 to us - foremost hooligans, 21 00:01:17,699 --> 00:01:22,340 and the last Young Pioneers. 22 00:01:26,240 --> 00:01:29,320 We have recently turned fifteen, 23 00:01:29,470 --> 00:01:32,709 while our country's only just four. 24 00:01:32,809 --> 00:01:36,019 They demolished all the ideals, 25 00:01:36,169 --> 00:01:39,340 but forgot to say who is right. 26 00:01:39,440 --> 00:01:42,679 We trust our fire and its taters: 27 00:01:42,779 --> 00:01:46,029 it, at least, is not a traitor, 28 00:01:46,129 --> 00:01:49,219 it is good without a question, 29 00:01:50,659 --> 00:01:55,219 it's our shared denominator! 30 00:01:57,219 --> 00:02:02,399 It's our shared denominator! 31 00:02:19,009 --> 00:02:22,059 Later, each will pickle himself: 32 00:02:22,159 --> 00:02:25,509 his cast, mind and disposition. 33 00:02:25,609 --> 00:02:28,689 We will ride our separate ways, 34 00:02:28,789 --> 00:02:32,079 listening to the harsh engines. 35 00:02:32,179 --> 00:02:35,219 Life will be filled with disasters, 36 00:02:35,319 --> 00:02:38,799 you won't know where to escape to, 37 00:02:38,899 --> 00:02:42,979 but to the fire of your childhood 38 00:02:43,429 --> 00:02:46,739 come back more often - to warm up. 39 00:02:50,089 --> 00:02:53,929 Come back more often - to warm up...